College of Science and Engineering> School of Natural System> School Information> Principles and Aims

Principles and Aims

Principles and Aims

The School of Natural System was established by integrating the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering. We aim to create a new field of study that involves a comprehensive understanding and application of natural systems formed by living creatures, human beings, materials and earth. The school offers four courses: Biology Course, Bioengineering Course, Chemical and Material Engineering Course, and Earth Science Course. We aim to gain comprehensive understanding of natural systems from the multiple perspectives of biology, material engineering, bioengineering, environmental science and earth science. We also hope to prepare our students in applyiing the results of their studies to society through instruction that focuses on basic science.

Targets of Education

Keeping in mind that the aim of the College of Science and Engineering — to develop science and technology in harmony with the natural environment, our school places importance on basic science and teaches the systems consisting of living creatures, human beings, materials and earth. We intend to integrate science and engineering and combine basics and application, and train our students to think flexibly with a broad perspective. We will produce researchers who pursue fundamental knowledge of natural systems, engineers who are able to use the results of research to better people’s lives, as well as researchers who will contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and in the training of students.

Contents of Education

We provide professional education focusing on experiments and practice for the purpose of improving a students’ independence, creativity, cooperation and presentation skills. We train our students to become creative scientists, engineers or teachers who will be able to apply the results of their studies to improve people’s lives. We offer the following four courses: Biology Course involves various fundamental biology studies that range from molecules and cells to individual organisms and ecological systems; the Bioengineering Course trains students to become bio-engineers who have a wide range of knowledge based on engineering and high-level problem-solving skills; the Chemical and Material Engineering Course enables students to solve various problems and accomplish tasks in the chemical industry through engineering approaches; and the Earth Science Course focuses on living things and various phenomena that occur inside, on and around the earth, including the hydrosphere and atmosphere, through experiments, practice and field study.

Contents of Research

Our state-of-the-art program involves biology, bioengineering, material engineering, earth science and environmental science, which deal with all living creatures, substances and the earth. Specifically, research fields include the study of living things at levels ranging from genes to global ecology, the study of nano-scale mechanisms by means of bioengineering, the study of changes in substances from the molecular level to the global scale, and the study of the conditions of the earth in the past, present and future.

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